AI Unmistaken: Sidestepping Common Leadership Missteps in AI Adoption and IntegrationĀ 

Wednesday, June 5, at 3:00 pm EDT

Join usĀ toĀ learn more about top leadership mistakes to avoid, when steering your district through generative AI product adoption and integration.Ā 

  • Understand Common Pitfalls: Learn about the frequent leadership errors that can occur during the AI adoption process and how to avoid them
  • Expert Guidance: Hear from leading experts who haveĀ helped educational leaders nationwide navigateĀ the integration of generative AI in educational settings
  • Interactive Q&A: Get answers to your specific questions in a live Q&A session with ourĀ team

Heather Peltier, Ph.D.

Dr. Peltier's diverse roles in education include teacher, school- and district- administrator, and Chief Education Officer for the Tennessee Department of Education. She serves as an advisor toĀ multiple ed tech companies. Her extensive background in education allows her to view technology adoptions and integrations holistically, considering the full spectrum of stakeholders and the types of professional learning required by each, as well as broad considerations ranging from privacy/compliance to accessibility and instructional impact.

Laurie Casna, J.D.

A former Massachusetts school district superintendent, special education director, and attorney specializing in education law, Ms. Casna currently supports school districts nationwide in implementing comprehensive structures and systems to improve student outcomes, with a focus on supporting diverse student learners.Ā She helps bridge the gaps between educational technology and educator practices.